Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Incredible Growing Baby....

Silas is 9 weeks old today. This morning he weighed in at 15 lb 13 oz...then I realized I weighed him in a very wet cloth diaper...so nekkid he weighed 15 lb 6 oz w/o the diaper :)
And his head is 16.5" in circumference. This puts him in the 95th percentile for height/weight.

And about 25" long, he did not make measuring easy! (he was 7lb 4oz, 21" at birth)
This little man makes me smile all day long, such a chubby lil' blessing.

Happy Tuesday! It is getting warm here in the 'Burgh. That means I have to wipe between those rolls of his a few times a day or he starts to smell cheesy :)

Yesterday we brought out the slip-n-slide and tomorrow we will blow up the kiddy pool :)

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