Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Honeysuckle and morning walks...

Honeysuckle is my all time favorite scent. It triggers memories of the final days of school and memories of walking to the playground recreation center for summer day camp with my bff Kristen...we would pluck a flower and suck out the tiny drop of nectar...

I love how a scent can send me back in time and put a giant grin on my face...yet tears in my eyes...a few years ago my bff Kristen passed away at the young age of 30. That memory triggered memories of another old friend and co-worker who just took his life last week...ok this was supposed to be a happy post so I will turn it back around to what a beautiful day it is and how much I have been enjoying my early morning power walks with Silas.

One of the many joys of co-sleeping is waking up to this beautiful smiling face next to me.

To be awoken by his happy coo's and ahh's as the sun peeks up from the houses outside the bedroom window is such a beautiful way to start the day. We get out and walk at 7am before the other boys and Daddy are up, some mornings Sam is awake and he comes too, making my walk a double workout as he hitches a ride in the front of the BOB jogger... Our neighborhood is on a hill so I walk up the hills for a real workout. I am now addicted to 'feeling the burn' and breaking a sweat! It feels great!

This morning I took my camera as usual, as you never know what beauty you may come across and want to capture...

(our tomato plant with dew drops)

(my flowers on the steps)

(Everlasting peas, the peas are edible!)

I also cut a few more honeysuckle clippings to put in all the windows so the sweet smell fills my home with each gentle breeze that blows in...oh I am loving it!!

Wishing everyone a beautiful day! We are off to the community pool with my wonderful mother-in-law! No sarcasm, she really is a blessing :)


  1. I love honeysuckle too! Such an amazing smell! Hope you are having a great day! : )

  2. My kids have been devouring honeysuckles the past couple of days. They bring them in by the handful and just tonight I was marveling at how much my house smelled of that sweet summery smell of honeysuckles.


  3. Beautiful post! I adore honeysuckle too! We make our own honeysuckle perfume using this "recipe" its wonderful!

  4. Thank you all!
    My boys ate some today too! Not unusual for them as they also devour other flowers like forsythia, violets and spring beauties :)

    Thanks for the perfume link! I can't wait to try!


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