Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

52 weeks of me and my children #6

Here is week #1, #2, #2.5 , #3, #4and #5.

Silas has discovered two things this week, his tongue and the ability to stick it out, well as far as he can because he is tongue tied, and he also discovered his reflection. He is just giddy over both of these things :)

And this would be my I just scrubbed a toilet look...btw, do boys pee with their eyes shut?) Since the haircut I have to rock a headband during the day around the house, the hair in my eyes can slowly drive me mad. I also found hair in my eyes during a photo session is not so cool either.

But Silas was being his sweet self and I had to grab the camera. I combed his hair up after his bath and it stayed like this all day!

SO...I have not been in the blogging mood, much like tang-soo-do, clarinet, tai-chi and knitting, it will probably be yet another thing I will not stick with :) I will at least do this 52 week project, but I am realizing it's not easy with my older two boys! They are hard to get to sneal a picture with! Silas is an easy target.

I also think it is because I have been so busy, playing outside mostly with my kiddos. Hanging out at the playground, new free sprinkler parks, playing in the woods etc...and I have worked a lot these last few weeks and I am waaay behind on editing photo sessions...this is causing me some stress...anyway I am sure when the cooler weather comes I will be blogging just fell back on my list of priorities.
I think most people tend to be on the computer less in the summer months...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday...ok, it was supposed to be wordless....

Ok, not so wordless....My husband is the real gardener, I help him water :) But when he read an article about planting veggies right out of a bag of soil, I was a bit leary...mostly b/c of how unsightly I thought it would be...

But it is working beautifully and you can barely see the plastic bag! We are getting a lot of cucumbers and I love how they grow up my porch :)

We get little to no sun in our back yard so my husband removed shrubs from the small front yard (I do not like shrubs!) and turned it into our veggie garden!

There are a ton of cherry and grape tomatoes growing and teasing us by s-l-o-w-l-y turning ripe for us to eat!

Here is a photo from last month. It is funny b/c we live on a street where every house is kinda on the perfect side...perfectly edged and weedless lawns (chemicals!), perfectly trimmed hedges and shrubs, weeded flower plots, etc, and then there is our house :) We like the motto of "eat your yard", some urban, ok, suburban gardening. We like "weeds" and prefer to call them by their real names! Most weeds are wild edibles that we eat!

It's nice though b/c most neighbors complimented us on how it looks nice :) Even there there is sooo much that needs to be to the outside of the house and yard....don;t even get me started....oh my, and then there are the inside projects...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

52 weeks of me and my children #5

Here is week #1, #2, #2.5 , #3 and #4....

Silent Saturday

I have lost my blogging-mojo....just not enough time or motivation these days...